Monday, August 17, 2009

in her twilight

so by now everyone knows about the 'twilight' phenomenon. personally, i don't get it, but that's because i never read the books (i have friends who swear they're awesome reads).

anyway, my mom is on the band wagon. she loves this stuff; i've heard about every harry potter book and film and now this (i just watched it on my computer! i need to read the next one!)

so when my friend erin wrote a story about the books and how they've taken pop culture by storm, i sent it along to my mom, knowing she'd LOVE every part of it. her email reply was worth it.

Hi Hon: How cool was that. Is this a new job for her?
He's sooo fine. By the way, the new Nice and Easy has been adding similar highlights for a while now
$4.99 a do (that's with the CVS discount and a coupon)
You'll have to note my hair when you see me again, however, the blonde/red highlights not quite as effective as brown hair with the bronze.
Thanks, tell her I loved it.
finished the 2nd book, started it yesterday. This is getting expensive. I need to go buy the 3rd one now
Love you,

p.s. i sent her the site.

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