Monday, March 19, 2012

The Mom statues: New mom edition

i've written about all of the ridiculous statues my mom has given me over the years, but i never anticipated that having a baby would get her excited enough to find another creepy one. my husband particularly hates this one (sample of a recent convo about it: "why don't they have faces?" "would that really make it better?") but i think the sentiment behind it is sweet. i know he hopes we "lose it in the move" when we pack up our stuff this month and head to a new place, but i'm not sure i can do it. take a look for yourself.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The new Gas-X

i  have so many stories to catch this blog up on that i  have to skip them (i'm hoping to get back to them some day). in the meantime,  today i sent my mom a picture of my daughter's new favorite sleeping position: on her tummy, with her little rump in the air. this is how my mom responded:

Have to try that
Wonder if  that  relieves gas