Tuesday, June 22, 2010

be positive

this morning on the phone w/ my mom, she told me she had gone to the doctor. for the most part, it was a routine visit, although she mentioned some worry about not being able to sleep w/o xanax (and, from what i took in, her doctor gave her some weird definition of "addiction" and told her she herself had been on the pills for last 5 years).

anyway, my mom went on to tell me that her doctor is "homopathic" (yes, i spelled what she said correctly.) and that she recommended my mom try the blood type diet.

this got us into a whole discussion about what my blood type actually is (guess i should know that by now) and how i *have* to be B positive because both she and my father are. OK, sounds right to me.

she went into how this makes us special b/c it's the rarest of types (i have no idea on that one) and everyone should be so lucky. pretty much my mother was telling me that i (and by default the rest of the fam) am a pretty, pretty unicorn.

now, i should mention that i called her on the way to work. i usually have about a 40-minute commute so it's a good time for a mom download.  our (her) convos usually take up the full 40.

anyway, she started telling me about this diet and how it's supposed to make you feel better and that, given all of the foods we're not supposed to eat mixed with her well-documented love of weight watchers, she should be able to lose those last few pounds. (between the two plans, the venn diagram of foods she'll be "allowed" to eat leaves about three meal choices for the week.)

after that, she spent the rest of the commute -- and beyond (i ended our convo at my desk) -- reading me the list of foods that are
1) beneficial
2) neutral
3) to be avoided.
 i tuned in and out of this part but apparently i'm not supposed to eat any pork or wheat products. (this will not play well with my love of bacon and hef beers.)

anyway,  the point of the diet is to help her sleep better and, for all of our family members to enjoy, help with anxiety. given that we aren't supposed to eat many of the things we love, there will probably be weight loss too. i haven't signed on to assist her in this yet but i might try it if it seems to work for her. only time and a mix of broccoli, white bread and almond milk will tell ...

UPDATE  -- she sent me a follow-up email tonight (as only she can write it):
Sari:  can you believe we are to avoid Cinnamon- that is my favorite spice and I live on it.  I may have to ignor that part and work on some of the other foods first.

I'm taking the book with me to my "open weigh in's" and read it when I'm not busy and find out the reasons and benefits.

We can have the garlic/brie bread though

love you

B positive MOM