it's well-known that my mother, as my sister put it, "lacks boundaries."
my sister can tell you all about the sleepovers she had in her youth where my mom would hang out and take over.
or my brother can tell you about the time -- and this is a *classic* mom story, so wait for it ...
-- that my mother told him about how she hated their new Craftmatic beds because her husband got stuck in an uncomfortable position while ... well, i will spare you the details, but know that my brother was not so lucky.
there was also my wedding day, when she told one of my bridesmaids about how her husband likes her in thongs and what, exactly, she thought about it.
"he bought be some beautiful ones, but i don't like those things riding up my butt! he should wear one!"so it should come as no surprise that when my
technologically-curious mother told me she joined Facebook, i should have worried more than i did.
not only has she gone through my photos and tagged herself as "MOM," but she's also taken to adding my friends (including the aforementioned bridesmaid) as her own. and i know this all sounds harmless and like i'm being overly sensitive, but if you knew your mom was fine with telling your brother about her sex life and that the second she publishes something on your Wall 300 of your closest friends get to see it instantly, wouldn't you be a little concerned?
so, really, this post is meant as a warning. a warning to all of my dear friends that she's out there, adding you. so if you're kind enough to add her back, you might want to make sure you have some privacy settings already in place.